
Views From My Studio, an exhibition by Norman Sutton-Hibbert

2023-12-02 75 Dailymotion

GLASGOW. Iota Gallery - Unlimited Studios, 25 Hyndland St, Partick, G11 5QE

Views From My Studio - an exhibition by Norman Sutton-Hibbert.

Norman Sutton-Hibbert talks about his practice at his exhibition, Views From My Studio.

VIEWS FROM MY STUDIO - An exhibition of paintings by Norman Sutton-Hibbert.
When: 2nd - 16th December 2023.

Where: Iota Gallery - Unlimited Studios, 25 Hyndland St, Partick, Glasgow
G11 5QE
“From my studio I look into a tidal river, a working harbour, the sea and along
part of the Ayrshire coast. The paintings in this exhibition are my responses to the colours and patterns I see every day. Changes to the light, from the changes in the times of day and weather, provide me with a kaleidoscope of colours.
This plethora of colours provides me with a rich palette to draw from. And the constantly changing display of ships, their various loads, harbourside buildings and machinery, provide me with another range of shapes, forms and outlines.
Why I choose to paint what I see in an abstracted form can be partly explained in a quote from Alberto Giacometti, ‘The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create another reality of the same intensity’.
And Georgia O’Keefe provides me with another apposite quote ‘I found I could say things with colours and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way’.” -
Norman Sutton-Hibbert
I’ve painted for most of my life and now consider myself to be a multi-media artist. This exhibition ‘Views From My Studio’ is mostly of small paintings – and I’ve used enamel paints on wooden panel. There is one woodblock print
assemblage – the largest work in the exhibition.
When I’m not painting I also print from woodblocks, make collages/mixed media works, do some performance and create sculptures and art installations. I began making sculptures and art installations, in which I primarily use found/domestic fabrics and clothing, when I was studying sculpture at Glasgow School of Art.

Born Manchester, England, 1947
Based in Scotland since 1969
Educated in Germany and England.
1976-1978 Diploma in Social Work
1988-1989 Mental Health Officer Certificate
2010-2014 BA Hons (Fine Art) GSA
2014-2015 MLitt (Fine Art Practice) GSA
2023 PAI Parallel Visions Award
2019 SSA Glasgow Art Club Prize
2016 VAS Lily MacDougal Prize
2013 RSA Keith Prize
2014 Dumfries House, Ayrshire
1989 & 1990 Valley Arts Resource Centre, Glengarnock
1995 Café Cosmo, Glasgow Film Theatre
2002 ‘No Bigger Picture’, Glasgow Print Studio
2005 ‘Images of Love’, LUV Gallery, Glasgow
2009 ‘Small Stories’, Glasgow Print Studio
2016 ‘Café Language’, Nito Café, Tokyo, Japan
2017 ‘Conversing With Walls’, Featured artist in July at Glasgow
Print Studio
2019 ‘Kinder Kinder’, Iota Gallery, Glasgow
2022 ‘Narratives in Times of Absurdity’, Royal Glasgow of Art,
Kelly Gallery, Glasgow