
More Cantaloupe With Salmonella

2023-12-01 0 Dailymotion

More Cantaloupe With Salmonella
Vidcast: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0SPttsLeMX/

The FDA and multiple companies are recalling cantaloupe with salmonella contamination: Pacific Trellis Fruit/Dulcinea’s Malichita brand cantaloupe; CF Dallas LLC’s Freshness Guaranteed Seasonal Blend, Melon Trio, Melon Mix, Fruit Blend, Fruit Bowl, Seasonal Fruit Tray, Fruit Mix, Cantaloupe Chunks, and RaceTrac Fruit Medley; and Crown Jewel Produce’s Malichita/Z Farms Cantaloupes.

These cantaloupes were sold in California, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Louisiana.

Do not consume these cantaloupes. For more information and possible refunds, call Pacific Trellis Fruit for further information at 323-859-9600. CF Dallas, LLC Customer Service 281-651-5400 Ext 5400, Crown Jewels Produce at 1-520-281-2325


#malichita #cantaloupes #salmonella #infection #recall