
The Awesome Bible Story in three words: VOID TO LIGHT. Study Genesis First - 7

2023-11-16 4 Dailymotion

Study Genesis First - 7. The Awesome Bible Story in three words: VOID TO LIGHT

> Beginning
God’s perfect plan starts with one short but immense saying:
Genesis 1:3 Let there be light: and there was light. Light of World. Physical Creation

> 4000 Years Later
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word (Yahveh-Son), and the Word was with God (Elohim-Father)...
3 All things were made by him (Genesis Creation)
4 In him (Yahveh-Son) was life; and the life was the LIGHT of men. Spiritual Creation

> Future
Revelation 21:23 And the city (New Jerusalem) had no need of the sun... the Lamb (Yahveh-Son) is the light thereof. From physical VOID TO Spiritual LIGHT. Beginning and End of Creation.

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