
“Without Form and Void,” Why stated in Genesis 1:2. Study Genesis First, Reason 5

2023-11-16 1 Dailymotion

Study Genesis First, Reason 5. “Without Form and Void,” Why stated in Genesis 1:2

God created heaven and Earth
Immediately afterward, it states Earth is without form and void, (waste, confusion, emptiness)
Like Spirit moves, tohu and bohu seem to be out-of-place additions, disconnected from the Creation text.

Tohu, “without form,” - 19x in OT … next in Deuteronomy
Bohu, “void,” - only 3x in OT… next in Isaiah

Spirit is used 100sx - next in Genesis 3, weirdly translated “cool”

Critical thinking, meditation, study, and guidance are essential for comprehension.
Clue: Tohu and bohu are related to the origin of the Serpent in Gen. 3. It creates waste and confusion, NOT God the Creator.

Details in Origin of the Universe (https://theexplanation.com/read-content-origin-universe-online/)
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