
Smartphone Use Associated With Diminishing Sperm Numbers

2023-11-06 0 Dailymotion

Men on their phones more than 20 times a day have a 21% higher risk of a subnormal absolute sperm count and a 30% higher risk of having a low sperm concentration. Swiss epidemiologists report these findings following their study of 2886 men 18 to 22 years of age.

All participants submitted semen samples and completed a health and lifestyle questionnaire including their cellphone use habits. In addition to the worrisome sperm count and concentration findings, the data did show some positives: sperm shape and motility were unaffected by cellphone use.

Among the one in every six couples who experience infertility, the male partner is found be the source of conception problems in about half. Other studies have reported a significant overall decline in sperm quality over the past decades. This has been attributed rising rates of obesity, alcohol consumption, stress, and toxins in our environment and food. In the case of cellphones, studies have shown that the electromagnetic fields the phones produce reduce sperm cell production and trigger sperm cell death.

So…. Guys. Maybe give your cell phones a break. At least use them with earphones and keep them as far as possible from your body when they are actively transmitting radio signals.


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