
Make Him Go Crazy For You (11 Things That Drive Men Wild)

2023-11-01 31 Dailymotion

Have you ever wanted to attract men without even trying? At the end of the day, it isn’t your looks or your personality that attract men. The truth is there are simple techniques you can use that will make any man go CRAZY for you.

Hi, I’m love coach and dating expert Amy North. I’m here to help you master dating with simple tweaks to your current approach that will transform your love life almost overnight. And my help begins right now.

So what is it that drives men wild with desire?

1. Highlight your best attributes

In their landmark study “A Billion Wicked Thoughts”, two neuroscientists studied how men and women feel desire, based on their use of the internet. One of their discoveries was that men zero in on body parts and feel desire regardless of the person they’re attached to. As depressing as this idea may be, we can actually use it to drive men crazy with very little effort.

Instead of focusing on creating the perfect outfit to attract his attention, think instead of highlighting your best features whether it be your smile, your bust, or your legs. Dress in a way that maximizes the appeal of one body part and watch as men salivate based on your eyes alone. There are so many ways to achieve this that it can be a bit overwhelming so keep it simple. All it really takes is a tight fitting shirt to make him go crazy with desire.

2. Make eye contact

The power of eye contact cannot be overstated. If you tend to get nervous around men who you’re interested in (and who doesn’t?) then chances are you usually avoid eye contact as much as possible. But push through your nerves and make the effort to keep up eye contact. You’ll find that this practice is a powerful signal of interest and attraction that will drive men wild with desire for you.

Just don’t overdo it. A 2016 study found that the preferred length of eye contact was 3 seconds, with any eye contact longer than 9 seconds being uncomfortable.

3. Smell nice

Smell has been shown to create a powerful attraction in most men, without them even realizing it. It’s important to note here that you shouldn’t try to increase your body odor. It’s important to wear antiperspirant and keep up your personal hygiene as much as possible. Even still, scientists believe that the natural chemicals produced by our immune system create scents that signal to men’s brains that we’d make for a good mate.

Since this happens at a subconscious level, it’s still advisable to wear a little perfume or some kind of signature scent in order to prime men to your presence and allow him to think about you after you’ve gone.

Studies have also found that while you’re ovulating, you produce a smell that can drive men crazy with desire. So if you know your own cycle, you can use this information to draw his attention to you without him even being aware of it.

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