In this video we will be taking a look at some of the less or unrepresented nations of War Thunder, with this episode looking at Romanian Tanks of the World War II period, with an episode looking at Cold War and Modern Romanian Tanks to come at a later date.
I also brefly discuss the viability of a Romanian subtree, though of course a minor Axis powers or Warsaw Pact tech tree could be viable as well.
Overall these tanks represent a rather diverse range of tanks and modifications, allowing Romania to have a fighting chance against the massive amounts of Soviet Armour it encountered on the Eastern Front and which would later be turned against their former German allies after Romania's defection.
Intro: 00:00
Romanian Sub-tree?: 00:18
R-2c: 01:14
Vânătorul de Care R35 Transformat: 03:46
TACAM T-60: 07:15
TACAM R-2: 10:01
Mareșal: 12:08
Social media links
Facebook Page:
Mastodon: [email protected]
Information sources:
Zaloga, Steven J.: Tanks of Hitler’s Eastern Allies 1941-1945. Osprey Publishing: Oxford, UK, (2013)
Axworty, Mark.: The Romanian Army of World War II. Osprey Publishing: Oxford, UK, (2013).
Doyle, H and Jentz, D.: Jagdpanzer 38 "Hetzer" 1944-45. Osprey Publishing: Oxford, UK.
War Thunder for ingame stats.
Picture sources:
TACAM R-2 modern pictures:
Lens by Bobby Richards
Spying In The 60's by Sir Cubworth
Dance of the U-Boat by Aakash Ghandi
Asleep with the Sun by Unicorn Heads
I Am Running Down the Long Hallway of Viewmont Elementary by Chris Zabriske
Game: War Thunder.