We are delighted to have the old clips from our friends at Northern Ireland Screen’s Digital Film Archive.
This week's clip is from about Clydesdale horses from 1964 and is courtesy of UTV © ITV.
The notes to this clip read: “A beautiful Clydesdale horse, Tors Benefactor, arrives from Scotland to stay with Mr James Blair in Co Londonderry and to breed some of his mares. Charlie Witherspoon interviews Mr Blair and asks what makes a good Clydesdale. Mr Blair explains that Tors Benefactor has been brought over by the Co Londonderry Horse Breeding Society. He is one of the top Clydesdales in the country. Charlie also meets with Bill Blair, James’s son, who hopes to follow in his father’s footsteps.”
Do you recall any old Clydesdales from around the country? Did you get to see them ploughing at bygone matches? Do you have any old films from bygone ploughing matches? We would love to see them. Get in touch via [email protected].
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