
✅What is colon cleansing?✅Colon Health

2023-09-08 40 Dailymotion

✅Are colon cleansers safe?
✅How your body naturally detoxifies itself?
✅Precautions to take during colon cleansing
✅How to improve your colon health
colon is also known as your large intestine or large bowel. Part of digestive system breaks down food and moves waste to rectum.
Colon cleansing is usually done to prepare for medical procedures such as a colonoscopy. But some alternative medicine practitioners say that colon cleansing can detoxify the body.
Colon cleansing can be done using colon-cleansing products or colonic irrigation medically called colonic hydrotherapy.
In colonic irrigation, up to 60 liters of fluid is pumped through your rectum via a tube. This is repeated several times. This is not like an enema, which runs a much smaller amount of fluid one time into your colon.
A colon cleanse is also not the same as a colonoscopy. During a colonoscopy, your doctor examines your colon to check for abnormalities, and screens for colon cancer. A long, flexible tube called a colonoscope is inserted into your rectum. This contains a tiny camera so your doctor can see the inside of your colon.
Are colon cleansers safe?
Experts say there's little scientific research to show that colon cleansers work or are safe.
Colon cleansing products are less invasive than colonic irrigation. But even these colon cleansers are not safe.
They may have side effects such as:
Abdominal pain
Electrolyte disorders
The FDA and Federal Trade Commission say that some colon cleansers are not safe for you. They have taken action against some companies selling cleansing and detox products. Some products have potentially harmful or illegal ingredients. Other products were marketed with false claims to cure serious diseases.
Colonic irrigation involves even more risks. If equipment isn’t sterilized properly, infections can pass from patient to patient.
Other risks and side effects include:
Kidney failure
Some herbs used in colon cleanses have also been linked to liver toxicity and aplastic anemia.
There have also been case reports of serious complications such as:
Air bubbles in artery or vein (air emboli)
Inflammation of the colon's inner lining ( colitis)
Pus-filled mass in your pelvis
Tears in the rectum
Deaths due to amebiasis, an infection of the intestines caused by a parasite
The FDA hasn’t approved any devices for non-medical colon cleansing. It also doesn’t regulate additives used for colon cleansing.
Colon cleansing is riskier in people with a history of:
colon surgery
severe hemorrhoids
gastrointestinal disease
heart disease
kidney disease
How your body naturally detoxifies itself
Toxins can get into your body when you breathe, eat, drink, or through your skin. Toxins are also made in your body during metabolism.
These toxins are transformed and removed from your body when you: