
Silent night classical guitar soprano voice shorts Ana maria Miga Adrian Danaila

2023-08-03 35 Dailymotion

#sopranovoice #youtube #romaniaclassicalguitar #soprana #classicalguitarshorts
#TreiCraiDeLaRasarit” is a traditional #Christmassong from #romania that tells the story of the three wise men (or magi) who followed the star to #bethlehem to visit the newborn #Jesus.
#adriandanaila a #classicalguitar guitar player, and #AnaMariaMiga, a #sopranovoice performing “#treicraidelarasarit ” together. You can watch it here:
They have also performed some #Christmas songs together such as “#ocevesteminunata #oceminunata” and “#stillenacht Nacht”2. I hope this helps!

#adriandanaila , a #classicalguitarshorts player, and #anamariamiga a #sopranovoice singer. They have performed some #christmas songs together, such as “#ocevesteminunata ” and “#stillenacht ”. You can watch their videos on YouTube

un videoclip cu fragmente din înregistrări istorice ale unor soprane românești precum Arta Florescu, Magda Ianculescu, Iolanda Marculescu și altele.

You can listen to a rendition of the carol O, che bella notizia! by the soprano Valentina Naforniță, accompanied by the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Vienna Boys' Choir / Vienna Singing Academy, conducted by Erwin Ortner. The video is part of the concert "Christmas in Vienna 2015"2.

#Deschideunacrestine, #RuxandraDonose - #mezzosoprano, #TitusIsfan - guitar, recorded in Egreja de Encarnaçao, Lisbon, Portugal, 11.12.2021

Recorded in Igreja da Encarnção, Lisbon, 11.12.2021

#christmas #guitar #tatyanaryzhkova
Christmas song. A. Barrios - Villancico de Navidad.

#tarrega #tatyanaryzhkova #caprichoarabe
Tatyana Ryzhkova performes one of the most famost pieces by F. Tárrega and of the #classicalguitarshorts guitar reperoite - Capricho Arabe. Please support Tatyana Ryzhkova on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tatyana

#tatyanaryzhkova #tarrega #guitar
F. Tarrega - Lagrima, performed by #tatyanaryzhkova

#beatles #michelle #tatyanaryzhkova
Beatles Michelle, arrangement for guitar was made by G. Anellino.

Video: Marilena Nitu
#adriandanaila #youtube #anamariamiga #classicalguitarshorts #sopranovoice #soprana
#classicalguitarshorts #treicraidelarasarit #chitara #chitaraclasica #christmas
A bit of Magic from Tarrega! ✨ #classicalguitar #shorts
One of my favourites #guitar #shorts
Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999)

Adela (from Tres canciones)

Pilar Moral, soprano

Nicola Jappelli, guitar

O Mio Babbino Caro, Gianna Schicchi (Giacomo Puccini) -