
Why do kidneys hurt? Causes, symptoms and what to do to treat kidney disease

2023-07-26 1 Dailymotion

The kidneys are above the waistline and are about the size of a fist. Their main functions are to filter the blood, maintain a balance between various chemical elements and lower blood pressure. If the kidneys are injured or sick, they can lose their function.

With problems with the kidneys, various waste products and excess fluid accumulate in the body, swelling of the arms and legs, shortness of breath on exertion, and an unbearable need for frequent urination are observed.

The following parts of the kidneys are susceptible to disease: nephrons (filter particles), supporting tissue, blood vessels that support blood circulation in the kidneys.

Kidney infections can be acute or chronic. An untreated infection can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys. Pregnant women are at higher risk of kidney infections.

Glomerulonephritis can be acute or chronic. They cause irreversible changes in the kidneys that disrupt the filtering function, even kidney failure. Acute glomerulonephritis can be caused by untreated angina pectoris. Treatment requires limiting fluid and salt intake and taking diuretics.

Tubulopathy can be acute and chronic. May occur due to exposure to toxic substances. In acute tubulopathy, urine flow stops. Treatment consists of removing the cause and dialysis.

Pyelonephritis is a disease of the supporting tissue of the kidneys (interstitial tissue), and in its acute form, various symptoms (cloudy urine, fever, back pain, frequent urination) are observed.

Neuroangiosclerosis and Goodpasture's syndrome are diseases of the blood vessels of the kidneys. Treating hypertension can help with nephroangiosclerosis. In Goodpasture's syndrome, the immune system damages the walls of the blood vessels in the kidneys.

Diagnosis of kidney disease requires blood and urine tests, intravenous urography, kidney biopsy, cystoscopy, ultrasound (ultrasound).

The main signs of kidney disease are: thirst and an urgent need to urinate; excretion of very small amounts of urine; swelling of the hands and feet and swelling around the eyes; bad taste in the mouth and smell like urine; constant fatigue or shortness of breath during physical exertion; decrease in appetite; increased blood pressure; pale skin; very dry skin, with severe itching.

The main signs of kidney infections are: continuous pain that usually starts in the back, above the waist and spreads down to the pubic region; severe vomiting or nausea; cloudy or bloody urine; unbearable and frequent need to urinate, even when the bladder is empty; a rapid rise in temperature, sometimes even up to 40 � C.

Causes of kidney disease can be: drugs, lupus, heredity, obstruction, excess protein, trauma, severe infections, heart attack, toxins.