
The Five Planet Alignment Doomsday Prediction

2023-07-13 1 Dailymotion

In 1962, fears of doomsday began to spread with the thought of the five planets aligning. The fear was so real that in India, several people plunged into icy sacred rivers, lit sacrificial fires, and prayed night and day to try and head off doomsday. Thousands of people stayed home, leaving the trains empty and businesses vacant while astrologers, palm readers, and other peddlers raked in small fortunes for their “inside information” on the coming day of destruction.

This fear of doomsday was one that quickly spread into the United States through the Latter Rain healing revivals. The very day after news of the panic in India was published in American newspapers on February 3, 1962, William Branham introduced it into the Latter Rain mythology as a “spiritual application”. Branham said that he did not agree with the world being blown to bits as was claimed by certain extremists, but that something “similar to that” would occur when the five planets aligned. According to Branham, there had not been a five-planet alignment for twenty-five thousand years.

To the largely uneducated audience in attendance, this would have been a very fearful event. Branham, as leader of the Post WWII Healing Revival and authoritative voice on doctrine and Scripture in the movement, certainly would have appeared to have had the spiritual insight to know what this alleged “uncommon” event meant. Most people in the audience would have at minimum assumed that Branham’s statistic was correct, and that this was a highly unusual event.

The truth, however, is that five planets align in a way that can be seen by earth approximately every two years. They are sometimes discussed in newspapers and journals, and experts often mention the events as “not that rare”. Five planets aligned in March 29, 2023, for example, and it was noted that the previous alignment occurred in June 2022. A few months later, in June 2023, the five planets aligned once more, and the world did not end.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Doomsday Predictions: