
047 Bob Lazar (A Message to Doubting Thomas)

2023-07-06 6 Dailymotion

In this video, we conclude that the ONLY scientifically testable Lazar claim, is valid. We argue that challenges to Lazar's credibility are relatively meaningless when given context. We call upon the media apparatus & social media platforms, to focus upon the only scientifically verifiable aspect of Lazar's claims; i.e. his Gravity-B Wave assertion of 7.46 (Hz). The media is required to investigate & explain the origin of this assertion, as it is a Quantum Vacuum [QV] property of the Earth at its surface (it's altitude specific), & does not require any aspect of the broader Lazar story to even exist. Space-Aliens are not required, Area-51 is not required, S-4 is not required & Element-115 is not required. Lazar's value of 7.46 (Hz) is ASTONISHINGLY close to the Theoretical Solution of 7.43 (Hz). Surely, it is inconceivable that this correlation is the product of random guessing.