The Worrysaurus
Written by Rachel Bright
Illustrated by Chris Chatterton
We ALL can learn so much from this story!! More and more children are having anxiety and worry troubles, this book is a great prompt for children (and adults) to find and use coping strategies when the worry spiral begins.
Teaching Ideas:
-Identification of emotions
-helpful vs not helpful thoughts
-labelling feelings vs labelling what is actually occurring
-identification of internal events
-identification of actions
-cause and effect
-generalization for identification of common items (lots of drawn pictures early in the story)
-Receptive identification (touch/find) of butterfly could be targeted on each page!!
-Receptive identification of colours (especially on the last page!!)
-Writing prompts: what would you keep in your tin of happy things? What is something that can make you worried? What could you do for a friend that felt worried?
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