
Google keyword planner: How to use Google keyword planner

2023-04-26 2 Dailymotion

Google keyword planner tool is a free tool provided by google for advertiser and SEO professionals so, that they can check the search volume, keywords forecast and research the website for keywords relevant keyword available for them which are shown month on month basis for their google ads campaign.

So, now question is how to use google keyword planner and what things are necessary to do so.

At first you need to login into your google account and then switch to https://ads.google.com and click on sign-in. Here, you will be directed to google ads account setup so, here you need to click one of the account to further proceed. Then after login into the desired google ads account you need to navigate to tools and settings when you click on tools and setting you will get many option so from here you need to go to planning section which is on very left of the option and here you need to click on keyword planner.

Here, you will get two options one is discover new keywords and other option is get search volume & forecasts. At first we will go with option of discover new keywords when you get into discover new keywords here as well you will get two options either start search with keywords and start with website. So, you can go and explore these option.

#googleads #googleadstutorial #googlekeywordplanner
If you haven't yet watch my last video of how to make google ads account without website then do watch the video

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