
How Workforce Alchemists Help Businesses - Training & Tools for Employee Selection and Engagement

2023-04-21 1 Dailymotion

Discover the secrets of employee selection, engagement and retention! Learn the strategies. Get the training. Use the tools!
Take the Workforce Alchemy Challenge and become a Workforce Alchemist:

Alchemy was the medieval forerunner of chemistry and the goal of its practitioners was to convert base metals, like lead for example, into gold. OBVIOUSLY nobody ever succeeded.

But, imagine what a skill and knowledge set like THAT would have been worth if it could have. Successful alchemists would have been the richest of the rich right?

Well… in the workforce, when you’re talking about the transformation of PEOPLE, you CAN take someone with a skillset of relatively small value and enhance it dramatically. THAT is workforce alchemy. We call the people who do it successfully, Workforce Alchemists.

Want to know how to take a rookie salesperson, producing only $100,000 a year in sales revenue and turn them into one who produces $5 million a year?

Want to transform customer service reps who mishandle situations costing your company your best clients and perhaps millions of dollars into experienced and skilled reps who don’t?

Want to transform entire departments, like a warehouse full of workers notorious for problems like absenteeism, tardiness, employee theft (including time theft) and workers comp issues that are frequently fraudulent and/or exaggerated into one that doesn’t have any of those problems?

Want to transform a culture characterized by conflict and drama, violence and poor productivity into one that isn’t?

Workforce alchemy can be applied in EVERY position and every department. Workforce alchemists who know HOW to do this are incredibly valuable to the companies who employ them, much more than “regular” or “average” employees who don’t.

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