
Hire & Hope Doesn't Work: Hiring Questions for Managers

2023-04-21 3 Dailymotion

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Hire and hope isn’t a good strategy and luck should have nothing to do with employee turnover costs, how hard your employees work everyday, how much they sell, whether they steal from you, fake or embellish injuries, show up for work late or show up for work at all.

There is a better way to address all these issues. And I’m willing to share it with you today.

The training… the tools… and a system to execute it.

When it comes to employee selection… Using your traditional methods, have you hired some good employees? Using those same methods, have you hired some people you wish you hadn’t? What has that taught you?

If you’re like most hiring managers, you realized that the traditional methods don't help predict success on a consistent basis.

When it comes to employee engagement and retention. Have you ever been in a role that didn’t suit you or have you ever been mismanaged? What was your productivity like during that period of time? Did the person mismanaging you make a real effort to fix that problem?

Sure turnover is expensive… recruiting, retraining, lost sales, lost customers, new learning curves…etc. But I’m not convinced that turnover is the biggest cost associated with hiring mistakes. I’m convinced the bigger issue is when you have disengaged misfits who STAY and make everyone else around them as unhappy and unproductive as they are.

The sad truth is that it’s not your fault. The deck has been stacked against you. I want to help.

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