
Use Internet Attraction Marketing To Generate Leads & Money

2009-03-04 27 Dailymotion

Attraction marketing is the most natural and pleasurable way to grow a business.

Attraction marketing is about making a customer for life not just making a sale. When using the principals of attraction marketing you are leading not selling. You need to give value and be of service every step of the way without giving away the store. These tips will get you ready to put attraction marketing into action.

1. Begin with the end in mind- what are your big vision success intentions for your business? This is where you would look at what you REALLY want to create with your business in the next 5 years, it’s more than bottom line, its inspirational to you.

2. Get very clear on what you really want your business to do for you? Look at the amount of income you want, what your life will feel like with a successful business. What benefits will a thriving business bring into your life...?

3. How do you want to be of service and what contribution would you like to make in the lives of your clients and customers? It doesn’t matter if you have a service business or product business, the clear intention of being of service positions you for success from satisfied customers and their referrals.

4. What are you most passionate about doing in your business? Where you have passion you have confidence, enthusiasm, and success. You are magnetically attractive to your customers when you are being passionate about your work.

5. What are the solutions you really enjoy providing for your customers? When you are clear on the solutions you enjoy providing you are giving your customers a greater benefit. Your passion about delivering these solutions gives your customers an edge in solving their challenges and using your solutions for lasting effect.