
Health Nest /PCOS /polycystic ovarian syndrome/PCOS symptoms? PCOS diagnosis?PCOS treatment?

2023-04-06 3 Dailymotion

Health Nest will provide all information about PCOS
polycystic ovaria syndrome /PCOS symptoms?pcos diagnosis?pcos treatment
we will explain what is pcos?
pcos is a hormonal disorder its a common disease in females
in westren countries 5 to 6 % femalles can face pcos althouh in pakistan 33% females face pcos when male hormones increase in females body testosterion or endrogen then appear pcos in females .
we will explain pcos symptoms ?irregularity of periods very light periods heavy bleeding or pain full periods un wanted facial hairs including chest and back obeity motapa infertility now we can explain pcos causes?our lifestyle fast food obesity hormonal disorder how we diagnosis?we can take detail patient history pelvic ultrasound and some hormones test what is treatment of pcos?fisrt of all we should mannage and change our modification of life we should change our living style dont take fast foos refine corbohydartes colddrink we should avoid all bakery itmes only we can take healthy leafy vagitables fruits and proutine fish nuts .