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2023-03-31 7 Dailymotion

u/Educational-Ask-1454 avatarEducational-Ask-1454
Looks like there might be some real ones in here ❤️
Look here I'm very tired of most people claiming to be so good and not walking their talk, for real, and there should be a way to bring awareness to what's happening to us .. hundreds of us are giving up and committing a suicide every DAY and half of society thinks that it is hilarious

Civil rights attorneys don't care about us with me I'm a pink Polish person so we don't make no never mind, meanwhile people like us are censored and silenced and canceled at all times

My homes were stolen, cats and dogs I adored I never saw again three times now, vehicles stolen, savings stolen, and everyone is all .. haha go die .. so I've lived outside .. I went to live with an older brother who is Military at a golf ⛳️ course and it was great but I was thrown put

Then I was at a hotel for 13mo and after the car accident I ended up outside now I'm back inside but living in filth with scumbags .. NO ONE has worked longer hours or harder than I have and this is what happens anyway when you're a subhuman without civil rights

For those of us who truly care .. and I don't just mean talk but, like say with me I've made housing and vehicle payments countless times for people, brought supplies to people, provided working capital for people.. you name it ..

We have to care about ourself and for our own wellbeing .. people will run ya right into the GROUND if ya let them .. I wasted my whole life helping the wrong people and it ain't looking good for me .. I just can't live no life without civil rights .. and there's so many of us

Most of us have a HUGE HEART ❤️ and we had SO MUCH LOVE and giving to offer to the world

The whole thing is a ridiculous shame I'd say and we are out here DYING every day

CURSING WARNING ⚠️ https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8jncy0 ⚠️ CURSING WARNING