
Science important questions for CBSE Exam - 2023 ,U.P.Board, Class - 10

2023-01-11 10 Dailymotion

Science important questions for CBSE Exam - 2023 ,U.P.Board, Class - 10
The law of reciprocal proportions states that “If two different elements combine separately with a fixed mass of a third element, the ratio of the masses in which they do so are either the same as or a simple multiple of the ratio of the masses in which they combine.”
The law seems to be complicated to understand. For a better understanding, let’s consider an example-
An example is when 3 grams of carbon reacts with 1 gram of hydrogen in order to form methane.
And, when 8 grams of oxygen reacts with 1 gram of hydrogen to form water.
The ratio of their masses i.e mass ratio is C:O = 3:8
In this manner, 12 grams of carbon react with 32 grams of oxygen in order to form carbon dioxide.
The ratio of their masses i.e mass ratio is C:O = 12:32 = 3:8
The mass ratio in which carbon and oxygen combine is similar to the mass ratio in which they combine separately with a fixed mass of H.
When 12 grams of carbon is reacting with 16 grams of oxygen in order to form carbon monoxide
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