
Welcome to the world crown emergency channel.We continue in a great judgment God. We have moved on since leaving this emergency channel which has a twin a Youtube that did not survive the emergency, The twin to this channel is still inside YouTube and

2023-01-10 1 Dailymotion

Welcome to the world crown emergency channel.We continue in a great judgment God. We have moved on since leaving this emergency channel which has a twin a Youtube that did not survive the emergency, The twin to this channel is still inside YouTube and we have not given up hope on its restoration. Daily Motion has succeeded where YouTube has failed preserving some critical work of ours including Gobierno de la Teocracia y Monarquia de Espritu Santo. For you accustomed to our latest media, this channel was made when were we were using an emergency status format, one which was very simple and used to keep communications open during the emergency. Our communications are saving grace so I pray you use wisdom when considering our media. We had a perfect film to share with you a fitting end to this time. What is was about no longer matters. News and Information remain in a state of emergency-