
Clever pooch has been helping owners with newborns by fetching nappies & bottles, tidying up & even waking them when the babies are crying

2022-12-18 30 Dailymotion

A clever pooch has become the perfect 'big sister' to her human siblings by learning how to fetch napping and bottles, tidy up toys and even wake her owners up when the babies cry. Video shows chocolate Labrador and husky mix Lucy helping her owner clean up and fetching owner Joshua his asthma medication while he holds his babies. Joshua Rheaume, 32, and Kelly O'Brien-Rheaume, 30, had their twin girls Lilly and Lennon in November this year, and Lucy has quickly taken the role of big sister. The seven-year-old pooch was initially reticent about her new siblings and kept her distance for about a week. Joshua, Geoscience coordinator, revealed: "It took her about a week to grow accustomed. "We would sit on the couch with the girls and she would want nothing to do with us. "Now she walks over to check on them all the time," he continued, "when people hold them for the first time, Lucy watches them." Lucy is taking on more chores around the house. She now opens doors, brings teddys to the twins and even fetches drinks for her owners. Lucy has been an important part of the couple's life since they adopted her in August 2016, the same day Joshua lost his job. Joshua explained: "I knew she needed me as much as I needed her." Lucy was found on the streets by a stranger after the rest of her litter died. Kelly's mother saw a post on Facebook and decided to pick her up and give her to the couple. The couple, who live in Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA, immediately fell in love with the puppy, so much so that they made her the flower girl at their wedding, and announced their pregnancy with photos of her. "Lucy is our daughter, we were told by multiple people that when we had kids she would take the wayside, she hasn't," Joshua said. "Emotionally she means everything to our family." "I hope she'll stay protective over the girls as they get older, I really want her to be their best friend," he continued. "Lucy is seven now and she's starting to get grey hairs on her chin, it's incredibly sad to think that there will be a day when she's not here anymore. "She has absolutely made being a parent easier, I'm confident falling asleep on the couch, knowing she'll wake me up if the girls are crying. "Having the ability to send things over to my wife through Lucy is incredible, it's so helpful."