
Turkish Delight is a very popular Turkish dish

2022-12-09 1 Dailymotion

●● Recipe:
- 600g سكر (3 أكواب) (Sugar (3 Cups))
- 230ml ماء (1 كوب) (Water (1 Cup))
- 15ml عصير ليمونfor (1 ملعقة كبيرة) (Lemon juice (1 Tbsp))
- حرارة متوسطة 15 دقيقة (Medium heat 15minutes)
- 90g نشاء الfor ذرة (3/4 كوب) (Corn starch (3/4 Cup))
- 1Tsp كريم الترتارا (Cream of tartar)
- ماء (2.5 كوب) (Water (2,5 Cups))
- تسخين متوسط 30 دقيقة (Medium heat 30 minutes)
- 1Tsp خلاصة الفانيليا (Vanilla extract)
- ملون غذائي (Food Coloring)
- زيت الطهي (Cand ooking oil)
- حجم القالب 15 سم (Mold size 15cm)
- انتظر لمدة 3 ساعات (Wait for 3 hours)
- نشا الذرة (Corn starch)
#ASMR #OhNino #NinosHome #TurkishDelight
All the recipes and dishes I have made are referenced and learned on the internet, youtube, google... I'm not the first to make them, not tstanstsendincerelyo create a certain dish. . I just change the ingredients to make the dish suit my taste. And I just hope my video has an easy way to communicate so that you can successfully make the dishes that you like. If anything bothers you, I siand and and ncerely apologize.
And the last thing I am not a professional chef. I'm just a normal person, thank you.
#ASMR #OhNino #NinosHome #TurkishDelight
All the recipes and dishes I have made are referenced and learned on the internet, youtube, google... I'm not the first to make them, not the first to create a certain dish. . I just change the ingredients to make the dish suit my taste. And I just hope my video has an easy way to communicate so that you can successfully make the dishes that you like. If anything bothers you, I sincerely apologize.
And the last thing I am not a professional chef. I'm just a normal person, thank you.
1. "Turkish Delight"레시피 매우 유명한 터키 요리
2. Làm kẹo Turkish Delight cực kỳ nổi tiếng của Thổ Nhỉ Kỳ
3. Resep "Turkish Delight" hidangan Turki yang sangat terkenal
4. "Turkish Delight" สูตรอาหารตุรกีที่มีชื่อเสียงมาก
5. “Turkish Delight”食譜非常有名的土耳其菜
6. "Turkish Deligh" नुस्खा अत्यंत प्रसिद्ध तुर्की व्यंजन
7. وصفة "Turkish Delight" الطبق التركي الشهير للغاية
8. "Türk Lokumu" tarifi son derece ünlü Türk yemeği