In today's video we learn about "banana" content and health benefits in english.....
"Banana" Introduction :-
banana helps in aids of weights loss, strength the nervous system and health with production of white blood shells, all due to the heigh level of vitamin B6 that banana contents.
"banana" are one of the most popular fruit in american diet. bananas grow on plants that are officially considered as an herb.
"Banana" Health Benefits:-
But what are there
Health Benefits Of Banana
let's see.....
1) "Banana" are heigh in antioxidants, which can provide us protection from free radicals. Which comes into contact with everyday, from the sunlight to the lotion you put on your skin.
2) A 2017 meta-analysis published by prilozi section of medical science suggested the unripen green "banana" offers sone health benefits.
3) They may help with controlling gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and urecals and may lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.
4) Some studies have suggested that the lectins in green "banana" could provide treatment for HIV patient.
"Banana" Contents :-
many vitamins and minerals, they are as follows:-
1) Total carbohydrates - 30g.
2) Dietary fiber - 3g.
3) Sugar - 19g.
4) Pottacium - 450 mini g.
5) proteins - 1g.
6) Vitamin A - 2%
7) Vitamin C - 15%
8) Iron and calcium.
In this way banana is a very important and useful fruit to our healthy life. Are "bananas" really good for people with diabetes? Don’t they contain a lot of sugar?
People with diabetes can eat bananas as part of a balanced diet. They contain naturally occurring sugars, so each person should consider the portion size. One-half of a medium "banana" equals one carb choice or about 12–15 g of carbohydrate.
Thank you,
(आपला आभारी आहे, धन्यवाद )
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