
CSGO IS BACK! PGL Stockholm Major 2021... That's A Wrap

2022-11-18 2 Dailymotion

Thank you, PGL! The CSGO Major Returns: PGL Stockholm 2021. While a NAVI roster of s1mple, B1T, electronic, Boombl4 and Perfecto took the trophy, the real winners of the PGL Stockholm Major 2021 were CSGO fans everywhere.

After almost two year of total online play, the CSGO Major returned to the fans. From the shocking NiKo Deagle choke vs NAVI, to Boombl4's proposal to his girlfriend, we witnessed some incredible moments. Here, we recap the memorable return of the CSGO Major.

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#CounterStrike #CSGO #s1mple #s1mpleCSGO #NAVI #G2Esports #NiKo #NiKoCSGO #b1t #b1tCSGO #CSGOMajor #CSGOEsports

GeT_RiGhT: "s1mple DESERVES This Major!" PGL CSGO Major Interview https://youtu.be/0Z5HJ-2B_Qs
Refrezh: "NiKo Is SO ANNOYING!" PGL CSGO Major Interview https://youtu.be/E17xbGfdzEs
MAJOR GRAND FINAL! - NaVi vs G2 - PGL Major Stockholm 2021 - HIGHLIGHTS | CSGO https://youtu.be/WtwUCEosGxc

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Producer: Matt Porter
Editor: Ash Dibben

PGL - www.youtube.com/user/PGLeSport