
Convert 50cc scooter for more power, cleaner-burning, 70cc

2009-02-18 2 Dailymotion

The Vancouver Gadgeteers, an inventors club in Canada, added an HHO Hydroxy water-electrolysis booster to a Kymco gasoline scooter.

There were five observed changes to the 50cc Kymco scooter after the modification was made:

1)The 50cc now performs like a 70cc with more power, faster
2) The 50cc Kymco scooter can now climb hills that it could not climb before
3) There is a gasoline savings of about 25%-35%
4) Cleaner exhaust fumes, much less blue smoke than before the HHO booster was installed. This will keep the air clean.The exhaust is not as smelly as before
5) The Kymco scooter is now partially on the "hydrogen" cycle instead of being entirely on the "carbon" cycle

The Vancouver Gadgeteers can show you how to make the modifications and install a Hydroxy, or HHO, booster on your gasoline powered scooter. You, too, can have more power and fewer pollutants 50cc, or bigger, gas scooter.