
imaam jafar sadiq r.a ka imaan afroz waqia//

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Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣādiq, commonly known as Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq, was an 8th-century Shia Muslim scholar, jurist, and theologian. He was the founder of the Jaʿfarī school of Islamic jurisprudence and the sixth Imam of the Twelver and Ismāʿīlī denominations of Shīʿa Islam. Wikipedia
Born: 20 April 702 AD, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Died: 14 December 765 AD, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Children: Musa al-Kazim, Isma'il ibn Ja'far, Ali al-Uraydi, MORE
Grandchildren: Ali al-Rida, Fatimah bint Musa, MORE
Spouse: Hamīdah al-Barbariyyah
Parents: Muhammad al-Baqir, Umm Farwah bint Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr
Place of burial: Al Baqi Cemetery, Medina, Saudi Arabia
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Image of Imam Jafar Sadiq quotes
Imam Jafar Sadiq quotes
Image of Imam Jafar Sadiq quotes
Image of Imam Jafar Sadiq quotes
Image of Imam Jafar Sadiq quotes
Image of Imam Jafar Sadiq quotes
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