
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya to address MEPs in Committee on Foreign Affairs

2022-10-13 25 Dailymotion

live broadcast: https://youtu.be/EjMOxvJiHwk

On Thursday morning, the leader of the democratic forces of Belarus, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, will address MEPs on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Ms Tsikhanouskaya currently lives in exile in Lithuania, having been forced to flee her home country following the fraudulent presidential elections in 2020. She is expected to primarily outline her views to the Foreign Affairs Committee on the war in Ukraine and the role of Belarus in the conflict, as well as comment on the latest political situation in Belarus, which is still ruled by an oppressive regime under dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenka.

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Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, visit, Brussel, Belarusian democratic, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Belarus, statement, MEPs, Сьвятлана Ціханоўская, візыт, Брусэль, беларускія дэмакраты, Камітэт па замежных справах, Беларусь, заява, эўрадэпутаты, Светлана Тихановская, визит, Брюссель, белорусские демократы, Комитет по иностранным делам, Беларусь, заявление, депутаты Европарламента