
Yestival - Hope Over Fear event in George Square Glasgow

2022-10-08 18 Dailymotion


Hope Over Fear YESTIVAL. RESCHEDULED. Copy from Hope Over Fear.

Like many independence campaigners we are disappointed that we cannot assemble on the historically significant date of 18th September, eight years exactly since our first referendum, but we are going to assemble on the 8th of October only three days before the Supreme Court in London meets to deliberate over the Scottish Government request for legal permission to hold IndyRef2 on 19th October next year. It is an ideal opportunity for the independence movement all across Scotland to come together with one voice and declare loud and clear that no unelected judges or unrepresentative Tories in Westminster have the right to deny Scotland her basic human right to vote on her constitutional future after the principal party of independence in Scotland has won convincingly five consecutive general elections, three UK General Elections and two Scottish General Elections, since our first referendum in 2014.
In a parliamentary democracy such electoral triumphs constitute a cast iron mandate to hold IndyRef2 at a time of our choosing. The democratically elected Scottish Government has named 19th October 2023 as the date for IndyRef2 and published the required Bill in Parliament to facilitate that referendum. We must assemble in our thousands to demand our right to vote. We cannot accept rulings and dismissals from appointed judges and a Prime Minister with absolutely no democratic mandate in Scotland.
So lets turn a negative into a positive. We are not assembling on Sunday, but we will assemble on Saturday 8th October to declare for Scotland’s freedom to choose her own destiny. Gather on that day and be entertained by the galaxy of talented independence musicians and inspired by speeches from across the independence movement. We have our date with destiny. It is 19th October 2023. Demand the right to vote on that day for a new, fairer, more democratic, and nuclear weapon free Scotland no longer held back by the corrupt and rotten Westminster chains of exploitation and domination.