
Durga Puja 2022 I Sovabazar Rajbari I Company Puja I durgapuja in british era

2022-09-25 3 Dailymotion

Cafe Hullor Presents on the occasion of durga puja 2022 durga puja special " sovabazar rajbari r company puja "
You will know the history of sovabazar rajbari and Durga Puja. This is a historical durga pujo in sovabazar , Kolkata.
More than 200 years old this Durga Puja is famous as sovabazar rajbari durga puja . This on of the bonedi barir durga puja
in Kolkata. This video you will how who started this historical durga pujo. Why this is a Heritage durga puja . How Debi Durga was decorated two hundred years ago. what are the significance of robert clive and durgapuja . why this durgapuja in british era was the trend setter for that time. This is the most famous kolkata bonedi bari durga puja . Among all the rajbarir durga puja in west bengal this one was most famous in british people.
In this puja, raja nabakrishna deb was introduced daker saaj , previously solar saaj was used. The used to made their ideol in their home , beside kumartuli is very close to sovabazar rajbari . Because kumartuli kolkata is famous for Durga idol making.
This bengali video will give you the flavous and history of raj barir pujo specially sovabazar rajbari durga puja . Why all rajbarir durga puja are famous from old British time. In this Heritage durga puja , a special rule is observed on the bijoya dashami .
In kolkata durga puja, sovabazar rajbari durga puja 2022 is celebrating 266 years of Durga Puja.
Through this Bengali or Bangla durga puja special video you not only enjoy but also enrich your inner soul.
Durga Puja is also known as navaratri in many regions of India.
Let's welcome devi durga and happy durga puja
Lets Watch পুজোর গল্প in this দুর্গাপূজা 2022
durga puja date 2022

Happy Durga Pujo I kolkata durga puja 2022 I durga puja 2022 kolkata I ma durga

Cafe Hulloor's presentation - Sovabazar Rajbari I Company Puja I durgapuja in british era I durga puja 2022
Narrator - Rupa Ghosh & Depayan Dutta
Video Editing and Sound Planning - Dipankar Kalita
Script - Depayan Dutta, Dipankar Kalita and Sarwar Khondekar
Graphics and Design - Depayan Dutta
Camera- Sarwar Khondekar
Research- Rupa Ghosh, Depayan Dutta and Dipankar Kalita
Overall planning and Direction - Team Cafe Hullor
Language: Bengali / Bangla
Our email is [email protected]
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Watch our Previuos Durga Puja Special-
1. Dashabhuja I Dash Astro - https://youtu.be/YIpktAZW1S8
2. DURGA BAHANA I মাআসছে I মহিষাসুরমর্দিনী - https://youtu.be/xOdaWyjaP9c

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