
Why Atheists Should be Christian!

2022-09-09 4 Dailymotion

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux answers questions such as:

What’s the best argument for why an atheist should be a Christian?

Going to be talking about the Queen?

Can you explain the concept of a social contract?

What advice do you have for Christians who value peace and err on the side of “turning the other cheek”? When should they stand up and be ferocious?

Are you a Johnny Cash fan?

Is a kid having an imaginary friend evidence of dysfunction or is it developmentally appropriate?

Stef, what are the philosophical implications of a family in law financing your future home compared to financing through a bank? The pro of getting a loan from a family-in law is no interest, but it seems to me I’d be losing what it means to own property as a man and to own what you’ve earned. For reference, this potential loan is coming from my wife’s father and we don’t see eye to eye on cultural or political issues. The flip side is going to a bank and paying off a mortgage with interest rate, but at least I will not be beholden to anyone other than the state. What am I missing or is this a no brainer?

How do I deal with self-hatred and learn to forgive and even love myself? I've gained a lot of self-knowledge these past few years regarding the reasons for my troubles but am struggling with years of built-up self-hatred. I'll make some progress, slip up a little, then tell myself I'm a bad person for falling off the path and then use that as an excuse for yet more bad decisions.

After I learned the true nature of my FOO, and after I tried talking about it with them with the expected results, I’ve begun to feel what I can only describe as grief. It isn’t exactly the right term, but it’s the closest I can think of. Is there another word to describe this sickening feeling of “letting go”?

How can you tell a genuine personality trait from an imposed trait, a possible “reactionary” trait from bad parenting? Sorry I don’t know how to word my question more elegantly.

What are your thoughts on the trolley problem (pull a lever and a trolley kills one person or five people)? I made a video explaining why I think its a way for bad actors to endlessly distract people from real world moral issues. It forces you to logic your way out of a problem that was not logically created.

How to effectively fight depersonalization or a weak sense of self? Post therapy, post removing hostile people from one's life. Every time I say "I", I feel like I'm lying a bit. You said that problems caused by loneliness cannot be solved alone, but I feel like there is almost nobody left inside, only my knowledge, which is not specific to me.