
The REAL Reason Why Your Arteries are Calcifying and Turning into Bone-Dr Burg

2022-08-18 20 Dailymotion

The REAL Reason Why Your Arteries are Calcifying and Turning into Bone-Dr Burg
0:00 Introduction: Why your arteries are calcifying
0:30 Top signs of heart problems
1:22 Understanding calcified arteries
3:43 What causes calcified arteries?
5:33 Vitamin K2 for your bones
7:00 Causes of a vitamin K2 deficiency
11:37 Check out this video on vitamin D toxicity!

Today we’re going to talk about the top cause of artery calcification.

The body becomes more calcified with age. But, our goal is to keep the bones calcified and the other tissues from becoming calcified. A CAC test is a great way to determine if you have calcium in your arteries.

There are two types of cells in your bones. Osteoblasts are cells that build bone, and osteoclasts break down bones. If there are too many osteoblasts in your arteries, the arteries can start turning to bone.

There are stem cells in the inner tissue of the arteries that have the potential to turn into a certain type of cell, depending on what the body needs. If someone is developing bone tissue in their arteries, there is a problem with the differentiation of these stem cells—they’re turning into the wrong thing.

Sufficient amounts of vitamin K2 may help inhibit calcification. Vitamin K2 helps keep calcium out of the arteries and in the bones, making the bones strong. Your good bacteria make vitamin K2.

Causes of a vitamin K2 deficiency:
• A fatty liver
• Gallbladder issues
• Gut problems
• Not consuming enough fermented foods
• A low-fat diet

Foods rich in vitamin K2:
• Natto
• Sauerkraut
• Cheese
• Butter
• Kefir
• Egg yolk
• Liver
• Sausage

If you take vitamin K2 as a supplement, consider taking the natural form called MK7 and take it with vitamin D.


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* At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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