
Jupiter, Saturn and Moon Conjunction September 17, 2021

2022-08-14 0 Dailymotion

Great Conjunction, when Saturn and Jupiter aligned together in their orbits, forming a rare astronomical event visible from Earth, in places even with the naked eye, the largest planet in the Solar System is set for another cosmic event. On September 17, 18 the Moon will be in conjunction with Saturn and Jupiter, respectively.
#Jupiter #Saturn #Moon
Jupiter, Saturn and Moon Conjunction September 18, 2021
The first conjunction will appear on September 17 when the Moon and the ringed planet Saturn align with each other in the night sky. The Moon-Saturn conjunction will begin at 02.33 GMT today and as the natural satellite passes three degrees 45 inch to the south of Saturn — both celestial objects will be located in the constellation Capricornus.

Astronomers have said that the ringed planet will appear faint in the night sky with a magnitude of only 0.2, however, it can be seen as a speck close to the Moon and if you have a telescope, it will have an enhanced view of the system.

Moon-Jupiter conjunction on September 18

After you are done with the Saturn conjunction, the next celestial event will see the biggest planet in the solar system come close to the Moon on September 18. Jupiter will be seen next to the Moon after midnight in the east-northeast sky. Both the Moon and Jupiter will remain close to each other throughout the night.

What is a conjunction?

A conjunction is an event when two or more objects come close to each other or appear close to each other in the sky. According to EarthSky, objects are said to be in conjunction in that instant when they have the same right ascension on our sky’s dome.

Conjunction is derived from a Latin word that means to join together. Conjunction is divided into two types: inferior conjunction and superior conjunction. Inferior conjunction is when an object passes between the Earth and the sun, meanwhile, superior conjunction is when an object passes behind the sun from our point of view. However, at times the conjunctions do not involve the sun and appear close to each other in the sky.

How to see Moon-planet conjunction?

In order to get a peek at the Moon-planet conjunctions, the most important thing is to know the time and location based on where you are.

At times it might happen that the conjunction might take place during the daytime at your location. You should also know the trajectory of the object so that if you miss the conjunction, you will still be able to watch the two objects close to each other. Having a telescope will definitely help.

It's an excellent week to go skywatching as the moon creeps up to the two largest planets in our solar system.

On Thursday (Sept. 16), it will be the turn of what many consider to be the most beautiful of all telescopic objects, the ringed planet Saturn. The following night, the colossus of the solar system, mighty Jupiter, will take the spotlight.

Both nights, our nearest neighbor in space, the moon, will be shining in its waxing gibbous phase to jo