
Why Lion never mess with Tiger_ tiger wildlife documentary #hdvideo |tiger facts

2022-08-11 29 Dailymotion

Interesting facts about Tigers

1.The Siberian tiger, is one of the tallest subspecies
2.They are biggest cats in the world.
3.The can live up to 25 years
4.A Liger is a cross between a male lion and a tigress. A Tigon is a cross between a lioness and a male tiger.
5.A tigers pee smells like buttered popcorn!
6.Tigers can't purr, but they can “chuff”.
7.The stripes on a tigers fur are different for every tiger. No two are alike.
8.The smallest species of tiger is the Sumatran tiger and the largest is the Siberian tiger.
9.A tiger's roar is very loud and can be heard from miles away.