
Voice of God Recordings Admits Failure of William Branham Prophecy

2022-07-21 13 Dailymotion

In June 1962, William Branham claimed to have had a vision wherein he shot and killed a "mammoth, big, brown-looking bear". According to Branham, his hunting trip earlier that year was divinely inspired, and God had spoken through him to say that he would kill a large silvertip grizzly bear. He did, indeed, kill the grizzly, though there is some question as to whether or not Branham actually prophesied concerning the grizzly prior to its killing; Branham mentioned the alleged vision after the killing of the silvertip grizzly bear.

After the silvertip grizzly was killed, Branham then announced that God had spoken through him once more to say that he would return to British Columbia to kill a second bear. This time, it would be a brown bear, and it would be twice the size of the silvertip grizzly bear that he killed earlier that year.

In late July 1962, William Branham returned to British Columbia for a hunting trip but was unable to kill the second bear. Upon Branham's death in 1965, this prophecy became very problematic for Branham's cult of personality; many people remembered hearing Branham's prophecy and were looking forward to learning its "spiritual meaning." As a result, leaders in Branham's cult of personality began claiming that William Branham would rise from his grave to fulfill the prophecies that had failed when he died. As late as 2004, leaders in Branham's sect told followers that there was "further work for Brother Branham to do."

When asked about the Brown Bear vision, Voice of God Recordings, headquarters of the Branham cult, frequently responds to those who question by presenting them with video, photos, or descriptions of the silvertip grizzly bear that William Branham first killed instead of the second bear, the brown bear depicted in the vision. As a result, uninformed researchers who do not question the cult's public relations personnel as to whether the bear on display in Branham's den was a brown bear or a grizzly bear mistakenly assume that the second vision was fulfilled with the killing of the first bear.

In December 2021, Voice of God Recordings responded to inform (now former) members of Branham's cult of personality that the vision of the Brown bear had failed.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Brown Bear Prophecy: