
Surat Al Infitar With Urdu Translation In Beautiful Voice- Quran E Kareem Surah With Urdu Translation

2022-06-14 1 Dailymotion

“The Quran is guidance and glad tidings for those who believe.”(Quran, 2:97)
In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says about the Noble Quran in these words:
“And this is a Book which we have revealed as a blessing: so follow it and be righteous, that ye may receive mercy.”(Quran, 6:155)
The Holy Quran is essential to the life of every Muslim or we can say that it is a living reality. Holy Quran is a communication from Allah (SWT) in which He is directly addressing every person. The words of the Holy Quran are timeless and always valid. Every word of it is deeply relevant to our concerns and experiences, and they are to be integrated fully into our lives.
Quran explain the purpose of life.
Muslims believe the Quran is not the result of any man’s efforts but is the Divine inspiration. The idea that runs through the Divine book is the urgency of repairing the broken relationship between Allah and humanity through worship, remembrance and obedience. The aim is to further the glory of ALLAH.
Now A Day Everyone is so much busy in his life that he/she don’t have time for prayers and reciting QURAN PAK. We mostly see people driving bike or siting in bus with hand free in their ears. So we decided to make videos on Quran pak so that people who don’t have time for reciting Quran they can listen Quran. So it is humble request to please help us promoting our work and real Islam to all over the world.
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