
Pakistani Local Cigarette Companies Ki Inami Schemes Kitna Bara Jurm Hai? Kitna Tax Chori Hota Hai?

2022-05-31 16 Dailymotion

Cigarette smoking is injurious to health, that is why The Government has set a minimum price of 63 rs for a cigarette pack. But there are many shopkeepers who are selling a cigarette pack for just 40 rs and thereby causing a loss of billions of rupees to the national treasury by evading the tax. UrduPoint anchor Danish Hussain has taken a sting operation of the shopkeepers to know that in which price they are selling the cigarette packets. What is the whole story and how tax evasion is happening, let us know in this video.
Anchor: Danish Hussain

#Smoking #CigaretteBusiness #LocalCigaretteManufacturer #SmokingIsInjuriousToHealth #FakeCigaretteCompanies

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