The legendary Hollywood star takes us behind the scenes as she gets all dressed up in hot pink Valentino.Director: Catherine OrchardDP: Alice PlatiEditor: Victoria MortatiProducer: Gabrielle ReichProducer, On-Set: Katherine WzorekAssistant Camera: Luis RomeroAudio: Mike GugginoAssociate Producer: Kristen EngelsonAssociate Producer, On Set: Dimitri LazarashviliFilmed on Location: The Whitby HotelAssistant Editors:Justin Symonds, JC Scruggs, Andy Morell, Billy Ward & Cory StevensPost Production Coordinator: Andrea FarrPost-Production Supervisor: Marco GlinbizziProduction Coordinator: Jane DiBartoloProduction Manager: Kit FogartyProduction Manager: Victor Cifrè IIEntertainment Director, Vogue: Sergio KletnoyShowrunner: Felicia KelleyDirector of Content Production, Vogue: Rahel GebreyesExecutive Producer: Ruhiya NuruddinManager, Creative Development, Vogue: Alexandra GurvitchAssociate Director, Creative Development: Billie JD PorterDirector of Creative Development: Maximillian StenstromSenior Director, Programming, Vogue: Linda GittlesonVP, Digital Video Programming and Development, Vogue: Joe Pickard