
AreYou Afraid of Heights ? | First time dare with Bridge Ladder climbing by 3 year old baby Mis Aarya Patel

2022-04-21 8 Dailymotion

Are You Afraid of Heights? First time dare with Bridge Ladder climbing by 3-year-old baby Miss Aarya Patel.

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Speech in this Video:
Speech: Hi friends, Like and Subscribe to my channel. https://voicemaker.in/
AI Engine: Natural TSS
Voice: Ivy, Female (Child)
Audio: MP3 24000Hz
Voice Volume: 8dB
Voice Effect: Default

Music in this video:
Song Hip Hop - Show-Down
Artist Antipodean Writer
Source Pixabay GmbH
Licensed to YouTube by Stunning free images & royalty-free stock.

Music in Credits video:
Song Little Idea
Artist Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)
Source Bensound
Licensed to YouTube by Childish royalty free music track #youtubekids #youtubesports #kidssports #sports #kids #kidsactivities #activekids #sport #workout #health #exercise #sportykids #sportforchildren #physicaleducation #Aaska