
'Mind blown' Camilla reveals Queen watches Strictly Come Dancing and who royals voted for

2022-04-02 1 Dailymotion

The Duchess of Cornwall lifted the lid on the royals being fans of the show as she visited the EastEnders set with Prince Charles on Friday. Camilla met this year's Strictly winner, Rose Ayling-Ellis, during the engagement. The Duchess told the EastEnders actress: “We were all voting for you, Rose. "I don't know how you did all those dances.” Asked by Miss Ayling-Ellis whether the Queen also watched Strictly, Camilla said: “I think she does. "She probably watched you.”  After her exchange with the Duchess, Miss Ayling-Ellis said she was "mind blown" that the royals voted for her on Strictly. She said: "It was really funny because she's a huge fan of Strictly Come Dancing and she mentioned ...
#Mind, #blownCamilla, #revealsQueen, #watchesStrictlyComeDancing, #royals, #voted
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