
AREPAS with Carrots / con Zanahorias

2022-03-19 1 Dailymotion

AREPAS con Zanahorias, Excelente Receta , Practica, Facil de hacer, Nutritiva . Te enseñamos paso a paso como elaborar Todo: los ingredientes, la preparacion, la forma , la coccion y todo lo que necesitas para hacer este exquisito platillo. Al final de este Video podrâs ver como quedô, Estupendo y Rico plato especialmente para tu disfrute, Gracias por ver toda la preparacion, espero me regales tu Comentario, comparte este Video y SUSCRIBETE A ESTE CANAL. Gracias a todos.

AREPAS with Carrots, Excellent Recipe, Practical, Easy to make, Nutritious. We teach you step by step how to make everything: the ingredients, the preparation, the shape, the cooking and everything you need to make this exquisite dish. At the end of this Video you will be able to see how it turned out, Great and Rich dish especially for your enjoyment, Thanks for watching all the preparation, I hope you give me your Comment, share this Video and SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL. Thank you all.