
Sheikh Suleiman Al-Hasani recites from verse 96 to verse 108 of Surat Hud Listen with your heart and leave the world behind your back

2022-02-22 27 Dailymotion

Sheikh Suleiman Al-Hasani recites from verse 96 to verse 108 of Surat Hud Listen with your heart and leave the world behind your back
We have sent Moussa with our verses and Sultan shown (96) to Pharaoh and fill him. From the news of the villages lacking them, including existing and harvesting )100 (and what they have been, but they have wronged themselves, what has been done by their God, which is called without God from anything, what is the command of your Lord and what they are unmatched). Take it very painful (102). In this for anyone who is afraid of the punishment of the Hereafter, this is a total day of people, so a day, Of them naughty and happy )105 (And what those who took, and if they have been furnished in them, where they are Zafir and Shayq) 106 (Khaledin where as long as the heavens and the earth except what will God bless you, your Lord is effective for what he wants). Your Lord wills, a gift without prejudice (108).
Interpretation of the verses
And He, the Most High, says: And We sent Moses with Our revelations and a clear authority (96-101) to the end of the story.
The Almighty says: (And we sent Moses) bin Imran (with Our verses) which indicate the truthfulness of what he brought, such as the stick, the hand and the like, of the verses that God made at the hands of Moses, peace be upon him.
(And a clear authority) i.e.: a clear proof, the appearance of the sun.
To Pharaoh and his chiefs, meaning: the nobles of his people, because they were followed, and others were subordinate to them. They did not submit to what Moses had of the verses, which he showed them, as explained earlier in Surat Al-A’raf, but they followed the order of Pharaoh and Aaron. It is pure harm, no offense - for what his people followed - he killed and destroyed.
Likewise, when your Lord took the towns while they were unjust, if it took Him was very painful (102).
Meaning: He will break them with torment and annihilate them, and it will not benefit them, whatever they were praying for, besides God.
In that mentioned, who took it for the wrongdoers, with all kinds of punishments, is a sign for one who fears the punishment of the hereafter, meaning: a lesson and evidence that the people of injustice and criminality have the worldly punishment, and the punishment of the hereafter. They gathered for that day, to be rewarded, and to show them the greatness, power, and great justice of God, by which they know Him with full knowledge.
And that is a memorable day, meaning: God, His angels, and all creatures will witness it.
And we do not delay it, i.e., the coming of the Day of Resurrection is only for a fixed term, if the term of this world has passed and God has decreed the creation in it.
The day that day comes, and the creation will gather, no soul will speak without His permission, even the noble prophets and angels, they do not intercede without His permission, for some of them mean: creation is wretched and happy.
And as for their recompense, as for those who