
To Catch A Predator - Analyzing The Dustin Mcphetridge Interview Part 5 - Basedshaman

2022-01-08 2 Dailymotion

Analyzing the dustin mcphetridge interview part 5 to catch a predator was a show that aired on dateline nbc which featured chris hansen confronting men who tried to meet kids online join basedshaman as we learn about to catch a predator and the men who were caught on it the most famous man to be featured on to catch a predator was lorne armstrong who became the subject of the church of cawd once lorne armstrong showed up at the sting house in bowling green kentucky during the to catch a predator investigation his life would never be the same again the tcap community was born and will live on forever basedshaman has read many to catch a predator chat logs and analyzed them as well this chat log analyzation covers well known tcap legends like lorne armstrong jeff stacy dustin mcphetridge and cody green the to catch a predator chatlogs are humorous at times when you see how ridiculous many of the tcap legends really were join basedshaman for endless to catch a predator fun on support this content patreon → links my amazon affiliate link → → → → → → services voice over → my gear → best streaming software → grow your youtube channel description contains amazon affiliate links that when purchases are made through i may earn a commission #Basedshaman #Mcphetridge #Basedshaman Tcap