
Covid-19 Booster ‘Precaution’ Dose To Be Of The Same Vaccine As Previous Doses Says Health Ministry

2022-01-06 16 Dailymotion

India is getting ready to roll out Covid-19 vaccine’s booster doses for the vulnerable and healthcare sector workers. The precaution dose role-out is scheduled to start from January 10 as the country reels under the third wave of Covid-19 pandemic. The Health Ministry has clarified that the precautionary third shots will not be ‘mix-and’match’ vaccines and infact will be of the same vaccine as the first two doses. The clarification comes as some studies have suggested that anti-body levels get boosted after booster shots of different vaccines are administered. For example the U.S. has asked those who received the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine to get a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine. Similarly, Canada is jabbing those who received the AztraZeneca shot with a Pfizer booster dose.