
How to Know If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp? Truth Revealed!

2021-10-27 9 Dailymotion

How to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp? This video will show you the 5 best ways to reveal the truth. Or use our app to find out

[00:30-00:56] Way 1: Check Your Contact's Last Seen or Online Status
If you know the person has activated the Last Seen feature, you can no longer see a contact's last seen or online in the chat window, which means you are blocked on WhatsApp.

[00:57-01:18] Way 2: Check the Checkmarks of Sent Message
If Messages conveyed always show one check mark and never show a second checkmark, it confirms that these messages were not able to be delivered.

[01:19-01:30] Way 3: No Updates to Their Profile Photo
Someone's profile photo could disappear or stop appearing when you're blocked by that person.

[01:31-01:51] Way 4: You Can't Call Them Using WhatsApp
If you've been blocked by someone, any calls you try to arrange won't go through to their end.

[01:52-02:17] Way 5: You Can't Add That Person to A Group
When you create a group chat, someone blocked you doesn't seem on the participant's record.

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