
September 2021 Tarot Reading September month predictions + Remedies Pick a card

2021-09-18 2 Dailymotion

About this Video
September 2021 Tarot Reading
September Month for you, current Energy, Next course of Action with Angel's Guidance

Time Stamps
1.Intro & Blessings - 00:00
2.Pile1 - 01:18
3.Pile 2 - 09:01
4.Outro & Gratitude - 15:31

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Feedback by a Celebrity Client

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Why are you seeing Angel Number 222, 2222 Meaning of 22:22

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Shivji's divine guidance , select a pic & get answers for Love, Career & Money|

Nazar Dosh, Evil Eye ko door karne k upaay

Wish Fulfillment, ichcha purti k upaay

This is a general reading. The messages may or may not resonate with you. Take the predictions that resonate.
Thanks for watching❤️
GOD BLESS YOU ---------------------------------------
Money Tarot Reading Hindi
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