
Genghis Khan Square - Mongolia + 蒙古旅行

2021-08-30 1 Dailymotion

蒙古是一个与中国和俄罗斯接壤的国家. 以广阔, 崎岖的广袤土地和游牧文化而闻名. 其首都乌兰巴托以 “成吉思汗” 广场为中心, 该广场以十三和十四世纪蒙古帝国的创始人的名字命名. 位于乌兰巴托的还有展示历史和民族志文物的蒙古国家博物馆, 以及经过修复的一八三十年 "甘丹特钦伦" 修道院. 蒙古男人心中 "楷模" 大力士, 摔角發源地.....

Ulaanbaatar The Gandantegchinlen Monastery:--
Mongolia, a nation bordered by China and Russia, is known for vast, rugged expanses and nomadic culture. Its capital, Ulaanbaatar, centers around "Genghis Khan" Square, named for the notorious founder of the 13th- and 14th-century Mongol Empire. Also in Ulaanbaatar are the National Museum of Mongolia, displaying historic and ethnographic artifacts, and the restored 1830 Gandantegchinlen Monastery. The "model" Hercules in the hearts of Mongolian men, the birthplace of wrestling...