
How this makeup artist creates a Cruella look with airbrush and paint

2021-07-24 1 Dailymotion

Nelly Recchia is an award-winning body painter, makeup artist, and instructor at Cinema Makeup School. Recchia transforms Insider host and producer Caroline Aghajanian into Cruella de Vil with a combination of brushwork and airbrushing. Recchia uses water-based paint to create an eye mask, corset, and dalmatian spots. She uses both a paintbrush and airbrush spray gun with stencils to create spots and a brush for more realistic applications. A look like this can take about two to three hours to create and can last about 14 hours. For more of Nelly Recchia's work and Cinema Makeup School, visit https://www.instagram.com/nellyrecchia/ and https://www.instagram.com/cinemamakeupschool/.