
Luke Davis Knows Hitting Snooze Means No Tubes or Dance Moves

2021-07-23 15 Dailymotion

Luke Davis' sentiment on the struggles of dawn patrol is unflinching and to the point. Like the man himself. Raised in Capistrano Beach as a high-profile up and comer and now residing in Los Angeles and embracing the city's diversity and eclecticism, Davis lets his surfing and dance moves do the talking. We met up this summer for a quiet surf on a pitifully-unsurfable morning at a Los Angeles beach break to chat about that fragile slice of time where a human (surfer) either hits snooze and keeps comatose or jolts out of bed to seize the day, and Mr. Davis left us with a dash of nuance on the matter. Of course, Luke also managed to make the flat ocean surfable, but it didn't quite fit his template for dawn patrol expeditions.

"If the waves are good, then I would say I'm a morning person," says Davis. "I'll wake up at like four and go surf. If it's shitty, I'll sleep in and try to get my hours in and sleep until like 9. It just depends. It depends on the waves."